Who Is At Risk for Cataracts?
Although cataracts are mostly found in the older population, there are certain members of this population who are more at risk for them than others. Specific diseases can put one in a high risk category, as can gender, racial and ethnic facts. Types of long-term lifestyles and heredity can also put one person at risk for cataracts more than another person.
Like many conditions, those who have a family history of cataracts are more likely to develop them as they grow older. If you can recall your grandmother wearing dark glasses for week after undergoing cataract surgery in Fort Worth, then the chances are higher that you will one day need this surgery as well.
Diabetes and obesity are also risk factors for developing cataracts. The two are sometimes interconnected since obesity issues can lead to diabetes. With a link between cataracts and high sugar levels, it would make sense for diabetics to be in a higher risk group than others. Diabetics are also in the rare group that is more likely to develop cataracts before their senior years. Fort Worth cataract surgery may be an option or even a necessity for diabetics before they reach the age of 60.
If someone suffers from an autoimmune disease that has put them dependent on the use of steroid medications, then there is more of a chance they may one day need Fort Worth cataract eye surgery. The most common autoimmune diseases whose treatments can lead to cataracts are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple sclerosis.
As far as demographics, women are more likely to develop cataracts as they grow older than men are. Also, African-Americans seem to need cataract surgery more than Caucasians do and some feel it is because they are also in a higher risk factor for diabetes.
Lifestyle choices can also lead to cataracts. They include the decision to smoke cigarettes and drink excessive alcohol. Also, if you have been a sun worshipper all your life, you have an increased chance of needing cataract surgery in your later years. UV sunlight has adverse effects on other parts of the body as well, including the skin, so not exposing yourself to excessive rays in hopes of a tan can save you from melanoma, as well as poor eyesight when you get older.
Even if some of these risk factors cannot be helped and you do develop cataracts, know that the surgery to remove them is quick and common, and usually results in few to no complications. Call us today for personalized help if your vision has been blurry and you think you fall into one of these high risk categories.